Buro jan-ZE
is een hub van wissellendevormensamenstelling, dat zich bezig houdt met de vraag: Hoe lang is een gedachte?
BJ is initiated by the artist Irene Janze in 1999
Ruimte is een verschijnsel wat door vele actoren wordt geproduceerd.
Door ondergrondse en bovengrondse actoren, door toeval, hiaten,
aaneengeregen of in staccato. Het doet zich voor in allerlei soorten en maten: gevouwen, opgerold, uitgestrekt, gebogen en verknipt. Ruimtelijke grammatica
vertaalt in (stedelijke) landschappen. Hoe beinvloeden die
landschappen ons en ons dagelijks leven?
is a hub of varying shape and composition, pursuing the question: How long is a thought?
Artist statement: Through research and interventions
the performative dimension of (semi)public places are investigated and tools are developed to enforce human agencies entangled in that particular
How do (urban) landscapes affect our perception of ourselves
and the world around us? Do they shape the way we move through our daily
lives? Installations and workshops are constructed by weaving information into a complex,
associative scape or matterealities. Buro jan-ZE initiates
and monitors projects and routes. Cityscapeeast is a project
about changes in the public domain of urban landscapes. Blueprint the
Netherlands are interventions in (semi)public places or events.
Projects of Buro jan-ZE are executed by a network of multidisciplinary
professionals, e.g. visual artists, sound artists, architects, writers,
poets, radiomakers, scientists and lay people. They work closely
together without loss of their own specific skills and methodology.
Look at Radio Orbino, a light - and sound sculpture along the N242
or the realization of a pocketvest parc at the Soembawastraat in
Amsterdam. And what to think of Logolength Zuidas, a mathematical,
artistic research about the length of logos on the Zuidas in Amsterdam.
The course of Buro jan-ZE is not completely mapped out. What Buro jan-ZE
is provided for by what is happening around us and what everybody finds
important in his or her own life on the moment of collaboration.
its reflectivity it tries to create a transformation in already
existing (semi)
public places. The catalogues, booklets, articles, lectures and stories of Buro
want to contribute towards consistence and continuity. Products of Buro jan-ZE stay on the raod.